Chairperson: Yvette Hewitt
Committee Members:
Lisa Ballantyne
Karen Bambacht
Holly Granat
Ray Finney
Teresa Link, ISA Certified Arborist
Village Board Liaison: Rachel Ciotti
The Village of Liverpool appointed a Tree Committee in January 2017 for the purpose of maintaining the health and maintenance of existing trees and the planting of new trees and shrubs on Village of Liverpool property. The Tree Committee is also responsible for the annual Arbor Day celebration. The committee strongly encourages residents’ tree stewardship.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
The Village of Liverpool is proud to partner with the Cornell Cooperative Extension as part of their CommuniTree Stewards Program.
Mission Statement
The purpose of this Urban Forestry Master Plan for the Village of Liverpool is meant to provide Goals and Objectives towards the purpose of providing for the health and maintenance of existing trees and for the planting of new trees on Village of Liverpool property and within the public right-of way, for the mutual benefit of its residents, and maintenance of a healthy community forest. The Main Goals of this Management Plan are to:
- Plant trees sufficiently to increase urban tree canopy cover (UTC)
- Enhance the environmental, social, and economic benefits citizens of Liverpool.
- Identify management responsibilities for the Tree Committee and within the Village.
This Urban Forestry Management Plan is to be reviewed annually by the Committee, and updated as needed. This review and update should be done during the Tree Committees annual review its policies for its own governance such as setting agendas, keeping record of its meetings and providing for the public’s participation.
Key Benefits of Trees
A thriving urban forest offers many advantages to communities. Here are just a few:
- Trees help absorb the sounds of traffic in urban areas by 40%.
- Neighborhoods with trees are seven to nine degrees cooler than those without.
- Trees reduce energy costs up to 25% by shading buildings and protecting them from winter winds.
- Homes with trees have higher property values.
- Green space plays a major role in improving mental and physical health.
- Planting and maintaining trees absorbs carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, mitigating the effects of climate change.
Resources & Partners
NYSDEC ReLeaf – ReLeaf brings together tree care professionals, municipal staff, utility arborists, state and local government officials, educators, tree board members, and interested members of the public in support of urban forestry across the state. The program promotes the value of trees, proper tree care, and sound urban forest management practices by connecting communities to technical expertise, information and resources, training, and potential funding sources that will help them meet their local needs and maintain and improve their urban forests.
Arbor Day Foundation – the world’s largest member nonprofit dedicated to planting trees. The foundation intentionally collaborates with partners who are deeply engaged in the areas they serve to plant the right trees in the right places to have the greatest impact.
Tree City USA Program – provides communities with a four-step framework to maintain and grow their tree cover. It also gives them an avenue to celebrate their work, showing residents, visitors, and the entire country that they’re committed to the mission of environmental change.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County – the mission of Cooperative Extension is to enable people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Extension staff and trained volunteers deliver education programs, conduct applied research, and encourage community collaborations.
Onondaga County Soil & Water Conservation District – SWCD serves landowners, residents and local governments by providing technical assistance, educational programs, and farmland and open space protection projects.
Urban Forestry Management Plan
Goal 1. Urban Forest Quality
By 2025, complete priority maintenance identified in the tree inventory, and develop and implement planting and maintenance standards to ensure Village of Liverpool’s urban forest is healthy, diverse, and function. Keep Inventory Up to Date, every 10 years re-inventory. Yearly we should review the up to date inventory and assess potential needs for removals and pruning.
83 trees (4.95%) were given a rating of “High Priority Prune” and 88 trees (5.25%) were given a rating of “Consult Needed.” Neither rating implies a “hazard” or “removal” designation. This inventory did not make hazard tree evaluations or recommendations for tree removals. These ratings do signify that in the case of High Priority Prune maintenance of the tree is strongly recommended, and in the case of Consult is needed the tree should be inspected by a certified arborist. Both tasks should be performed in a timely manner.
Finally, a street tree inventory is a snapshot in time, a useful tool in maintaining a healthy urban forest and planning for a sustainable one. Its usefulness depends greatly on keeping the information current. The Village should make a commitment to update the data collected in this inventory as trees are pruned, removed, or planted.
Goal 2. Urban Forest Quantity
Increase Village of Liverpool’s street tree stocking 20% over 2018 levels by 2028 with the intent of increasing species diversity and overall canopy cover in each management area each year by targeting areas of the Village with low canopy cover and high availability of planting space.
New plantings should primarily include species and genera other than Maples. As a general rule, no tree species should comprise more than 10% and no tree genera should comprise more than 20% of the overall street tree population. That way, if a species or genus becomes susceptible to an insect
or disease, a majority of the community’s trees might not be affected.
Inventory results suggest a possible shift in tree composition with an increasing percentage of low growing tree species being planted relative to tall growing tree species being planted and a prospective reduction in the long term provision of tree benefits. To maintain or increase the provision of benefits, increased numbers of tall growing tree species that de-emphasize Norway, Silver, and Sugar Maples, and Maples.
Plant Trees Regularly Year to Year. Plant Smaller Trees yearly too, under power lines.
Additional trees need to be planted to compensate for the future loss of older trees, whether due to mortality or planned removal.
Goal 3. Education and Outreach
Each year, increase the percentage of Village residents who accept street tree planting and care responsibilities through heightened outreach efforts such as workshops and public announcements that focus on high priority or targeted planting areas in the Village.