Chairperson: Kelley Romano
Committee Members:
Linda McGraw
Gwen McCarroll
Nancy Aureli
Aaron Buchta
Robert Niederhof
Rebecca Battoe
Megan Kelly
Semmler Horky
Kevin McElwee
Chris Hebblethwaite
Brannon Waters
Sarah Alamond
Melissa Cassidy
Abby Romano
Aino Parlo
Pat Negus
KellyAnn (Facebook)
Michele Love
Joanna Contrata
Stephanie Kelly
Village Board Liaison: Rachel Ciotti
As a volunteer committee of the village of Liverpool, the Liverpool Community Gardeners provide hands-on support in developing an aesthetic vision for creating and maintaining gardens, planters, and streetscapes within the village boundaries. Native plantings take priority when practical. The expectation is that our efforts will engage the community in building pride and pleasure as we beautify our special little corner of the world.
Upcoming Projects – 2024
- Hanging baskets have been ordered from Ballentyne Gardens
- Members are currently considering areas needed for improvements. We will send a list to the Village Board in early spring (March or April Board meeting).
- We continue to discuss the barrel project and whether it should continue as has been done or revised. Ideas are being considered for how to get businesses involved in purchasing and maintaining a barrel at their locations.
- Tulip bulbs were planted in the fall at Circle Garden near Heid’s
- Native plantings test areas are being considered, one being in Stacy’s side yard
- Halloween Garage display was AWESOME and I wish we could have kept it up longer on village property